NODEMCU Lua IoT I2C ESP8266 Wifi Controller Board ESP-12 V2


NodeMCU is the fastest leading edge low cost technologies to WiFi enabled IoT. Modern high-level mature LUA based technology.

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It is an integrated unit with all available resources on board. It is super simple to complement your existing Arduino projects or any development board that has I/O pins available.

Modern Internet development tools such as Node.js can take advantage the NodeMCU with the built-in API to put your idea on the fast track immediately

NodeMCU is built based on the mature ESP8266 technology to take advantage the abundant resources available on the web

NodeMCU has ESP-12 based serial WiFi integrated on board to provide GPIO, PWM, ADC, I2C and 1-WIRE resources at your finger tips. NodeMCU has built-in CP2102 USB to TTL Converter Module with superior stability

  • USB – micro USB port for power, programming and debugging
  • Wireless 802.11 b / g / n standard
  • Support STA / AP / STA + AP three operating modes
  • Built-in TCP / IP protocol stack to support multiple TCP Client connections (5 MAX)
  • D0 ~ D8, SD1 ~ SD3: used as GPIO, PWM, IIC, etc., port driver capability 15mA
  • A0: 1 channel ADC
  • Power input: 4.5V ~ 9V (10VMAX), USB-powered
  • Current: continuous transmission: 70mA (200mA MAX), Standby: <200uA
  • Transfer rate: 110-460800bps
  • Support UART / GPIO data communication interface
  • Headers – 2x 2.54mm 15-pin header with access to GPIOs, SPI, UART, ADC, and power pins
  • Reset and Flash buttons
  • Power – 5V via micro USB port
  • Dimensions – 49 mm x 25 mm x 13 mm

